Pay by card

Find out what you need to do to pay your tuition fees using a debit or credit card using our online payment platform.

If you are paying for your tuition fees  

If you are paying your tuition fees, then you should log in to My finance to make a payment. You will need the following information to make a payment:  

  • your University login details 

  • your student ID number (UUN

  • the address linked to the card used to make payment 

Pay through My finance

If someone you know is paying your tuition fees  

If someone you know has agreed to pay for your tuition fees (for example, a parent, guardian or family member) then they should use the Tuition Payment platform.  

They will need to know your student ID number (UUN) and provide the address linked to the card that will make the payment. 

Pay using Tuition Payment

Beware of using other providers  

The methods of payment we offer are very safe and allow us to track your payments, which is why we recommend them.  

You should not use a third party agent or ask someone you do not know to make a payment to the University. These methods may appear cheaper, but they may not be safe or may involve hidden costs.  

Advice on how to avoid financial scams and fraud 

What card you can use

You can make a one-time payment for your tuition fees with a debit card or credit card.

It does not have to be a card for a UK bank account, and it does not have to be your card provided you have the permission of the cardholder (for example, it could be your parent’s or guardian’s).  

Check the card limit 

Make sure that the limit on the card you use is high enough for the payments that will come out. You can check with your bank or card provider if you’re not sure. 

If the bank cannot increase the limit, you can manually make multiple payments over the course of a few days. 

Exchange rate charges

If you are making a card payment in British pound sterling using a non-UK card, then you may need to pay currency exchange rates and this will be charged by the bank or card provider.

The University does not charge a transaction fee for a debit card or credit card payment.  



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