Changes to Student Supplier Set-Up Process

There is no longer a need to set up new Students on the P06 ledger via FPM as from August all new students will be set up automatically. Student bank details will still need to be collected and we have developed an online form to support this.

Accounts Payable Student Bank Details form

If you need to pay a student via AP, please send them the link to the web form shown below. As the form is EASE enabled, we will have the student’s UUN and student number automatically collected. This will be work-flowed to AP to add to the student record and offers a more secure method of collecting student bank account information. Until this information is uploaded from the student, the payment will default to cheque. Please advise the students to provide their information as soon as possible so payment is not delayed. You may then process the payment request via FPM in the usual manner.

The link for students to enter their bank account details can be found at here. All the students have to do is to is to click on the link and login to their  MyEd account to access this form. AP will then set up the information. Further information for students is given in the AP FAQs available here.

The change is needed because of the number of students on the eFinancials system and overlapping account numbers with AP and Income Section. This change also impacts new students set up on the Sales Ledger. Their customer number will now start with an ‘S’, followed by the student number and will now be the same as the AP ledger.