Subsidiary Companies

The University carries out certain parts of its activities via subsidiary companies.


Publication schemes

As companies owned by a public authority, each subsidiary maintains a Publication Scheme, as required by section 23 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.


At present, The University has 14 subsidiaries, 12 registered in Scotland.

Edinburgh Innovations Ltd (SC148048)

The Company promotes the world-class research and commercialisation expertise of the University of Edinburgh to potential funders, collaborators, licensees or investors leading to the commercial exploitation of intellectual property arising from the research base, patenting, licensing and company formation. 

Edinburgh Technology Fund Ltd (SC092426)

The principal activity of Edinburgh Technology Fund (ETF) is the management of investment funds, providing seed corn venture capital for early stage high technology developments and the management of its portfolio of investments made using its funds.

The company also acts as a nominee shareholder for the University of Edinburgh for some equity holdings held in spin-out companies.

Edinburgh University Press Ltd (SC035813)

The company's fundamental objective is to publish books, journals and learning materials of the highest quality, endorsed by the University Press Committee and thereby enhance the reputation and prestige of the University and the wider scholarly community.


Old College Capital LP

The main purposes of this partnership include making early and mid-stage investments in selected companies that emerge from the University.

Research into Results Ltd (SC382100)

Research Into Results' (RIR) principal activity is the delivery of research and project management services in the area of international development. This specifically includes assisting projects and funders to enhance impact from academic research.

Research Into Results has particular expertise in working with research partnerships linking the Department for International Development (DFID) and the UK’s Research Councils, including the development and implementation of services to enhance both impact and value for money of collaborative programmes.


The Andrew Grant Bequest (SC001097)

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust (SC004307)

The Trust is classed as a “quasi-subsidiary” of the University under FRS 102: Section 2 Concepts and Pervasive Principles. The primary purpose of the Trust is to act as a fundraiser of funds for the benefit of the University

UoE Deaconess Ltd

The main activities are that of investing in and operating student accommodation property and, in particular, Deaconess House.

UoE Accommodation Ltd

The company acts as a vehicle for the commercial exploitation of the University's student accommodation properties, comprising in particular the Pollock Halls of Residence, but also various outlying properties around the city of Edinburgh, as appropriate.


UoE HPCx Ltd

The company was set up as a vehicle through which the University delivers a high-performance computing (HPC) service to the UK Research community and others. Delivery of these services is to be made in accordance with the terms of a Contract between the Company and the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

UoE Estates Services Company

The company was established to install and operate Combined Heat and Power energy centres at various premises of the University as the opportunity arose. Strategically, it will assist the University to pursue its goal of sustainable and efficient use of energy.