Expenses Policy: paper claims no longer accepted for payment

It's been six months since we updated our expenses policy, thank you to all staff who have helped to embed it across your area.

Most of you will be aware that on 1 Dec 2017 we made changes to our Expenses Policy to make sure it’s up-to-date, operationally effective and compliant with our charitable purpose, public expectation and tax laws.

It has been almost six months since the change, and we’re pleased to say that the new process is running smoothly. We did our best when rolling it out across the University to help claimants and authorisers understand what can and can’t be claimed for, what’s considered reasonable and what the exceptions are as well as providing a helpline for specific queries. 

To make our Expenses process even more streamlined, please note that from 1 April, 2018 the Finance department no longer accept paper expense claim forms unless there is recovery of an advance of expenses (to staff and students only).  

If there is no advance of expenses, staff can claim expenses using the eExpenses system

eExpenses System Information


Frequently Asked Questions of the eExpenses system.

eExpenses FAQs


Advance of expenses

If you have received an advance of expenses, you will need to deduct the amount already advanced from the total of expenses claimed.  If you have received an advance of expenses, you should account for its use by completing the staff expenses claim form to deduct any advance of expenses, rather than via the eExpenses system:



And students must use the payment for non-staff/student expenses claim form:



Claimants from outwith the University

Other claimants, e.g. people from outside the University who do not have access to eExpenses, can complete the Payment for Non-Staff/Student Expenses form on the Finance website forms page: https://www.ed.ac.uk/finance/for-staff/forms and send to the School or Planning Unit Finance team for checking, approval and payment via Finance Process Manager (FPM).

Interview and relocation expenses can be claimed using the relevant form on the HR website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/human-resources/forms Please ensure that the form is completed and receipts are attached securely before forwarding for processing to your respective College/Support Group HR Administration team or School/department Finance team ready for processing via FPM . 

Please note that if the individual needs a payment record created this will need to be done first via FPM using the supplier creation task.

Expenses Policy

In the last six months since the Expenses Policy update, we have successfully responded to and resolved 470 queries that came in to our dedicated email address and phone line. Roughly one third of queries related to questions about procurement of specific items. You can still get in touch if you have any queries about the Expenses policy, please email first.finance@ed.ac.uk or call 0131 651 4581 and we’ll be happy to help.

More info here can be found on the Expenses Policy webpage.

New Expenses Policy