
Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
I need to see a doctor.  Is this covered? There is cover for medical expenses. If you need to see a doctor for a minor condition, there may well be a cost which you will need to pay and recover under the policy, along with the cost for medication.   If you require admission to hospital you must contact the Insurers.
My landlord requires proof that I have insurance for damage to my flat.  What do I provide? There is cover under the Personal Liability section of the policy for damage you cause or are responsible for. The travel insurance does not provide cover for property damage.
Is skiing covered? There is medical expenses cover for accident, injury whilst skiing.  There’s no cover for snow boarding so you should make your own arrangements, perhaps with the equipment provider or organisers.
I take medication for an ongoing condition and have run out. Does the University travel policy cover the cost of additional medication. No – this is not covered.