Expenses FAQs - Responsibilities


1.  Who is responsible for ensuring the new policy is adhered to?

Staff making claims and staff authorising the claims are the ones who are responsible for complying with the policy. So, if you’re making a claim, or authorising one, you need to make sure that to the best of your knowledge, the claim is compliant with the new policy.

2.  Can a Finance Manager approve expense claims?

Yes, line managers, budget holders or designated Finance Managers can approve claims.

3.  Who is responsible for checking funder requirements?

Staff working on externally funded projects should check with local finance teams what the funder requirements are and whose responsibility it is to keep receipts.

4.  I’ve been asked to submit expenses that don’t adhere to the new policy, what do I do?

In this instance, or if you are unsure about the claim you have been asked to put through, please contact the Finance Department via email finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk before submitting the claim and we will be able to advise you on next steps.