Funding body returns

Freedom of Information Publications - Funding body returns

Funding body statistical reports and returns

Information that the institution is legally obliged to make available to its funding body.

Exemptions: HESA Finance Statistics Return - annually, one month after approval. Mid-Year Return and Financial Forecasts will be withheld under exemption S33.

HESA Return 2017-18 (217.22 KB / XLSX)
HESA Return 2016-17 (222.34 KB / XLSX)
HESA Return 2015-16 (209.54 KB / XLSX)
HESA Return 2014-15 (179.26 KB / XLSX)
Timescale of availability: Annually - four weeks after lodgement with Funding Council
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.